
The Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) is a progressive, base-building, non-profit organization bringing communities together to find opportunities for cooperation, agreement, and problem-solving in improving their social and natural environment. Using the lens of environmental health to achieve social change, we work within communities to develop and sustain democratically based, participatory decision-making that promotes involvement of a diverse segment of the community in ways that empower the community.

“The City of Riverside’s Green Action Plan outlines strategies to improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion, increase accessibility and use of parks, and other ways to preserve the environment. At its essence, the plan is a community/city partnership with oversight by a committee of citizen volunteers who meet quarterly to evaluate progress.

Awarded the competitive Transformative Climate Communities Program (TCC) grant, the city will be implementing high-quality multimodal transportation, affordable housing, urban greening, solar energy, and workforce development training in its Eastside neighborhood over the next five years.”

Rivers & Lands Conservancy connects our community to natural, wild, and open spaces of southern California through land conservation, stewardship, and education.

The Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) was formed in 1968 as a joint powers authority under California law with the mission to develop and maintain regional plans, programs, and projects that will protect the Santa Ana River basin water resources to maximize beneficial uses within the watershed in an economically and environmentally responsible manner.

SAWPA focuses on a broad range of water resource issues including water supply reliability, water quality improvement, recycled water, wastewater treatment, groundwater management, and brine disposal. SAWPA is a leader in integrated watershed planning and advances innovative and sustainable initiatives to promote watershed resiliency.

SAWPA is composed of five member agencies: Eastern Municipal Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Orange County Water District, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, and Western Municipal Water District.

An Edison International company, Southern California Edison is one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, serving a population of approximately 15 million via 5 million customer accounts in a 50,000-square-mile service area within Central, Coastal and Southern California.

A significant portion of SCE customers live in environmental and social justice (ESJ) communities, which are vulnerable to climate change and other threats, and face more challenges than other communities in accessing clean energy. We’re bringing more clean and renewable sources of energy to Southern California. From energy storage to transportation electrification, our employees are working on innovative projects that will help cut emissions and greenhouse gases to provide cleaner air for everyone, prioritizing support for ESJ communities in our programs and services.

We are also looking ahead to create a 21st century power network that can handle California’s changing energy needs. Sophisticated technologies will be delivering electricity more reliably than ever, keeping outages to a minimum, and facilitating our customers’ choices in adopting new technologies to generate their own energy and monitoring and controlling their overall usage.

The Center for Community Solutions strives to embody the School of Public Policy’s motto—solutions for the region, solutions for the world—by providing research services and resources to improve the lives of residents in our local region, while cultivating generalizable knowledge that can improve public policy in communities throughout the world.

The Office of Sustainability works to implement policies and programs aimed at reporting and reducing resource usage and greenhouse gas emissions. Our programs showcase the environmental, economic and sociocultural relationships required to mitigate the impending climate crisis and meet our current and future needs.

WRCOG values sustainability and its importance to the region and we continue to expand our climate resilient efforts with a variety of projects and programs that include:

  • Resilient IE works to support regional and local efforts to prepare for and mitigate risks associated with climate adaptation on the region’s transportation infrastructure, which includes: subregional vulnerability assessments and adaptation strategies; City-level, climate-related transportation hazards and evacuation maps; a regionally-tailored climate resilient transportation infrastructure guidebook; and a template regional climate adaptation and resiliency element
  • Climate Action Plan – The CAP Update will include a comprehensive update to greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and GHG emissions reduction strategies for all sectors and establishes GHG targets for the year 2050 for all WRCOG member jurisdictions.